
It went like this…

I had him in a headlock, and on the way out the door he bit down on the tip of my finger,  and I thought he was going to bite it right off.

It was in the late 1970s that I first heard about Day Kimball Hospital.

Back then, many people called DKH Day Kill-um.

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My first experience with Day Kimball was in the early 1980s. I was escorting a drunken, unruly man out of a nightclub in Dayville, Connecticut where I was working the door (bouncing), and he was drunk, obnoxious, and mean.

In the end, I got him out the door, but not before he bit off the tip of my little finger. 

My next stop was Day Kimball’s Emergency Room

The time was 2:30 a.m., and there was little activity at that hour.  I was treated well and sent on my way. I could never understand why people in the area always wanted to refer to Day Kimball as Day Kill-um. 

Fast forward 40 years later and my wife begins to exhibit chest, neck, and back pain, all red flags when you consider how women experience heart attacks. 

Afer an urgent call to 911, the ambulance arrives. As they bundle up my wife, I was asked if I wanted my wife to go to Day Kimball or the Backus Hospital location in Plainfield, Connecticut

At that moment, all those old memories of people referring to the Day Kimball as Day Kill-um came flooding back to me.
I was surprised 40 years later and that nickname was still fresh in my mind. 

I asked one of the four EMT’s if she were in my life situation, which ER she would choose. Without a second thought, she told me Backus at the Plainfield location. I couldn’t undertand why this EMT had what appeared to me to be an almost visceral reaction when she responded.

Since then I’ve spoken to a number of people including nurses that worked at Day Kimball. I was shocked at the stories I heard. But I could easily be mistaken. So offering up a place for people to share their experiences seemed like a logical next step.

 And that leands me here…

Building out a “theme” reated site where people can leverage the internet and let their voices be heard has always been on my to-do list. In this case the theme is offering people the opportunity to share their experience with Day Kimball Hospital ahd Health Care.

Because in my opinion, even with the availability of the internet people just don’t take advantage of getting their message out or don’t know how. 

That’s one reason why I created this site. In the interest of being transparent, I offered to “expose” Day Kimball. 

By exposure, I mean drawing attention to something, and I intend to do that in whatever direction my information-gathering leads. 

I heard great things about their charity work, especially the golf tournament that they ran for many years. However, the reviews that I kept coming across were unnerving.

So if you have ever had any experience with Day Kimball Hospital, health care, or any Day Kimball group, please share your experiences here. All comments, both positive and negative, will be published, as well as instructions for how to create similar sites on a variety of topics so others can have their voices heard.

We’re going to run this for a little bit and promote it and see how the community reacts to the site and what the ultimate outcome is. is a website by BigCatMarketingGroup

If you’d like to learn more on how promote your message online, sign up below.